
5 Content Marketing Strategies To Avoid

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Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. But use the wrong strategy and it can backfire and damage your brand.

As branding experts, we want to open our book of secrets as to what you need to avoid in your content marketing strategy.


1. Creating content that is not relevant to your target audience

This is one of the biggest mistakes that businesses make when it comes to content marketing. Even if you are getting a lot of engagement from your content, it could all be for nothing if your audience and the brand you are promoting don’t align. Not only would they be less likely to read your content, but the chances that they would share it and drive organic traffic would be greatly reduced.

To avoid this mistake, it is important to take the time to understand your target audience.

Ask yourself:

Once you understand your target audience, you can create content that is specifically designed for them. Your audience will not only love your content but will also feel like you are speaking directly to them and addressing their needs, creating brand affinity in their mind.

For example, if your target audience is young professionals, you might create content about how to start a career, how to manage your finances, or how to find a mentor. If your target audience is small business owners, you might create content about how to grow your business, how to market your business, or how to manage your finances.

The key is to create content that is relevant to the needs and interests of your target audience. If you do this, you will be more likely to capture their attention and achieve your marketing goals.


2. Not publishing enough content

In today’s crowded online marketplace, it is important to publish content on a regular basis in order to stay top of mind with your target audience. If you only publish content occasionally, your audience will forget about you, and they will be less likely to engage with your content when you do publish it. In addition, we know that search engines want brands to be thought leaders and provide a great user experience, and frequent, accurate, expert content is a key element of this.

Even we at Brave have to play by this rule! We post at least once a week on our blog here.

The amount of content you need to publish will vary depending on your industry and your target audience. However, as a general rule of thumb, you should aim to publish at least one piece of long-form content on your website per week.

You can also try repurposing existing content, such as creating a video from a blog post, updating older posts, or turning a webinar into an ebook, making your content impact last longer and work harder.

The important thing is to be consistent with your publishing schedule. If you publish content on a regular basis, your audience will know when to expect new content from you and they will be more likely to read it.


3. Not promoting your content

Once you have created great content, it is important to promote it so that people will see it. There are a number of ways to promote your content, such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimisation (SEO).

Social media is a great way to promote your content to your target audience. You can share your content on your own social media channels, or you can collaborate with other influencers in your industry.

Email marketing is another effective way to promote your content. You can send out email newsletters to your subscribers, or you can create targeted email campaigns that promote specific pieces of content.

SEO is the process of optimising your content so that it appears higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can be a complex process, but there are a number of things you can do to improve your SEO, such as using relevant keywords and phrases in your content and creating high-quality backlinks to your content.

By promoting your content, you can increase the number of people who see it and the chances that they will engage with it.


4. Not measuring the results of your content marketing efforts

It is important to track the results of your content marketing efforts so that you can see what is working and what is not. This will help you to improve your content marketing strategy over time.

There are a number of tools that you can use to track the results of your content marketing efforts, such as Google Analytics and social media analytics tools.

Google Analytics can help you track the number of people who visit your website, the pages they visit, and how they engage once on site. Social media analytics tools can help you track the number of people who see your content, the number of people who like, share, and comment on your content, and the number of people who click on your links.

By tracking the results of your content marketing efforts, you can see what is working and what is not. This will help you to improve your content marketing strategy over time and achieve your marketing goals.


5. Not being consistent with your content marketing efforts

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that takes time and effort to see results. If you are not consistent with your content marketing efforts, you will not see the results that you are looking for.

You wouldn’t go to the gym for a week and expect to see results. The same goes for content marketing. You are playing the long game, but the results will pay off in the end.

This means that you need to publish content on a regular basis, promote your content, and measure the results of your efforts. You also need to be patient and persistent. Don’t give up if you don’t see results immediately. Keep creating great content and promoting it, and you will eventually see results.

By avoiding these five marketing content strategies, you can create content marketing campaigns that are more effective and help you achieve your marketing goals.


P.S… As a bonus from our content marketing wizards at Brave, here are 5 points that you SHOULD be doing:


\Want to know more about how you can create a better content marketing strategy? Send us a message, and we could show you where there could be room for improvement.

Content marketing is a powerful tool that can help businesses reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and generate leads. But use the wrong strategy, and it can backfire and damage your brand.

As marketing and branding experts, we want to open our book of secrets as to what you need to avoid in your content marketing strategy.

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