Customer experience is at the core of everything we do

Anybody can get clicks, but the hard part is converting them into returning customers. That’s where we come in.


We go beyond...

Beyond the Brand

Having a brand story and communicating it through a rigid set of creative brand guidelines is no longer enough to attract new customers. Brands must deliver consistent messaging and experiences across all customer touchpoints.

Brave communicates value across all channels through price, exclusivity, delivery costs and exceptional creative content.

Beyond the Logo. Beyond the Typeface. Beyond the Colourways.

Beyond the Channel

Acquisition channels managed in isolation are effective to varying degrees. Some channels perform more efficiently than others, and this leads to decisions about where budgets are assigned.

In reality, brands must go Beyond the channel and look at a blended, omnichannel approach with centralised KPIs and a clear view of conversion attribution. After all, every channel leads to your website.

We leverage omnichannel opportunities – like retargeting across channels and creating engagement-triggered emails – to deliver a captivating experience, no matter the channel.

Beyond the Advert. Beyond the Search. Beyond the Email.

Beyond the Click

Traffic does not equal acquisition – anybody can get it, the hard part is converting it into value. When a potential customer visits your website, it’s the experience you provide that will define what happens next, and what happens in the future.

We excel in creating engaging experiences that meet customers at eye level and speak directly to their issues. We implement clear signposting and considered calls to action that nurture interest in the purchase, and we build trust that keeps customers coming back for more.

Beyond the Rankings. Beyond the Traffic. Beyond the First Conversion.

Beyond the User

It’s much more efficient to unearth value from an existing customer than to focus solely on finding new ones. The more satisfied a customer is, the more likely they are to return – and engaging with customers post-purchase will provide further lifetime value.

We create personalised communications that make customers feel appreciated, encouraging them to make purchases and advocate for your company through word of mouth. The more effective this process is, the less you need to spend on customer acquisition; your existing customers will do the hard work for you.

Go Beyond the Purchase. Go Beyond the Email. Go Beyond the Review

Beyond the Website

Great-looking websites are par for the course nowadays. We expect a site to look modern. We expect it to load quickly. We expect it to work on any device. All of these things should be a given.

So what does it take to stand out? What will turn users into customers? The answer is simple: websites need to be built to serve the needs of the people using them. It’s no longer enough for them to simply look good – they need to function effortlessly.

We take each and every stage of the customer journey into consideration, delivering websites that work seamlessly and show customers what they want to see when they want to see it. The result is a website that delivers real long-term value.

Go Beyond the Design. Go Beyond the First Sale. Go Beyond the Here and Now.

Beyond the Conversion

No matter which industry you’re in or what your company does, conversions are always the end goal. Whether it’s making a purchase or reaching out for a quote, once a customer converts, your website has done its job.

Or has it? Conversions are great, but repeat conversions are even better. At Brave, we’re all about delivering long-term value. By focusing on customer relationship management and advocacy, we help brands retain customers, bringing them stability and bolstering their market reputation.

Go Beyond the Purchase. Go Beyond the Enquiry. Go Beyond the Quick Wins.


Our Approach


We always start by identifying and outlining the needs of your business.

No matter which of our services you choose, our emphasis on discovery remains the same: the clearer our understanding of your goals, the sooner we’ll be able to get up to speed and start delivering results.


Once we understand exactly what it is you’re looking for, we move on to defining the solution.

If you have a specific goal in mind, it’s our job to work out how to accomplish it. Based on everything we learned during the discovery phase, we’ll suggest a combination of services which we feel would be best suited to your needs and budget.


With the solution agreed upon, it’s time for us to start planning the work in greater detail.

During this phase, we’ll start delving deeper into your business, analysing the competition and collaborating internally to put together a comprehensive strategy for the months ahead.


Don’t you just love it when a plan comes together? We certainly do.

This is one of the most exciting parts of the process. Once the strategy has been developed and approved, we can put the wheels in motion and begin working towards your goals directly.


Soon enough, we’ll start to see the results of our hard work.

Each month, you’ll be issued with a detailed report demonstrating the progress of your campaign. From time to time, we’ll revisit the strategy to make sure it’s aligned with your current goals – and that it’s delivering tangible results for your business. After all, the proof is in the pudding.

Frequently Asked Questions

Customer experience goes beyond just advertising and promotions. It's about creating a seamless journey for your customers across all touchpoints, from brand messaging to website design and post-purchase interactions.

Today's consumers expect consistent experiences that reflect your brand story. We help ensure your messaging and experience is consistent, no matter where a customer interacts with your brand.

Loyal customers are more valuable than new ones. We deliver personalised post-purchase communication to keep customers engaged and coming back for more.

Generating conversions is important, but establishing repeat business is even more so. We focus on customer relationship management and advocacy to retain customers and build brand loyalty.

Omnichannel marketing looks at all your acquisition channels (like search, social media and PPC ads) as a whole, not in isolation. We use this approach to deliver a captivating experience no matter how a customer reaches you.

How we’ve helped businesses like yours


Thanks for taking the time to reach out. To get the ball rolling could you tell us a little bit about you, your business and what you’re looking for.


How can we partner up?

Please select all of the services that are relevant.


What’s the budget for this project?

Our website projects start at a minimum of £35k and typically range all the way to £150k depending on scope and functionality. Now we’ve been upfront with how much a project can cost hopefully you can be with your budget…


Thanks for submitting your enquiry. A member of our team will be in touch with you shortly.