
5 Ways to Improve Your Website’s Google Rankings

Nathan Evans
Content Executive

Being seen on the first page of a Google search is the best way to win the eyes of your target audience online, but there are only ten spots and everyone is vying for one of them.

At Brave, we’re over two decades into this eternal battle as an SEO and PPC marketing agency and have picked up some handy tips that have seen us get positive results. Plus, with advancements in AI technology, there are also new and quicker ways of getting there. Read on to find out how to avoid common trip-ups in the SEO marketing process and rise to the top.


Keyword Research

Putting your content in front of people when they are searching for someone like you is how your online presence is going to grow, and knowing what search terms to target is an important part of that. Keyword research is the process of looking at what search terms your site currently ranks for, creating a list of relevant keywords you want to target and focusing content around those keywords.

You’ll likely know that tools such as SEMRush and Ahrefs will analyse the popularity of search terms and what keywords your site ranks for, but recent innovations have changed the game. Trying to use ChatGPT to generate a list of keywords from your website – it could reveal a blind spot in your keyword research.


Keyword Implementation

Using the keywords you’ve found in your research throughout your website content and blogs will go a long way in marketing your website through SEO, but there’s a fine art to it. Google doesn’t like to see websites that are overusing keywords, so you need to consider the way you structure your website and write individual pieces of content.

Keyword cannibalisation occurs when too many web pages from the same site rank for the same keyword, causing all the pages to eat into each other’s prominence and cause a mass drop in the rankings. Be sure to avoid creating repeat articles that target the same search terms to avoid, and ideally, create a concise site structure where every page satisfies different search intents. If not, use canonical tags to tell Google which pages to rank and which to hide when it crawls your site.

On individual pages, overusing a keyword can, once again, have the opposite effect and affect the quality of the content. Avoid stuffing keywords when writing your content and concentrate first on creating the best content possible.


Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) involves having a budget to give to Google to advertise your site by throwing it at the top of your chosen search rankings. Recently, ChatGPT has been utilised to enhance PPC for better conversion rates and a higher return on investment (ROI). It has been used in a similar way as keyword research to find the best keywords to advertise against, but also to aid in copywriting, audience research and location targeting. You can fast-track a demographic profile in minutes and have greater clarity on who you are targeting through your PPC campaign.


Regular High-Quality Content

Blog content is an essential part of websites today because of how it boosts your site’s authority on a certain subject. Google wants to provide their users with the highest quality content from a source that knows the topic the best, and your content should reflect that. Writing the latest information on a topic in a way that helps the audience enough could mean that Google puts your blog as a featured snippet – which is a huge win!

Additionally, publishing regularly is key to maintaining your authority as a source of up-to-date information. Even if you have busy periods that mean you miss a schedule, you can backdate your articles to give the appearance of having a regular schedule.


Work with an SEO and PPC Marketing Agency

Last but not least, working with an experienced and diligent SEO and PPC marketing agency will give your website the marketing plan it needs to hold its own in the search rankings arena. Consider partnering with Brave, the most reputable digital marketing agency in the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire area. We specialise in creating website structures and content that boosts search rankings, site visits and conversions. From content creation to design and digital marketing, we offer end-to-end solutions to help your brand thrive online. Get in touch with us today to learn how a digital marketing agency can elevate your eCommerce business.

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