Artificial intelligence is here to stay. Tools like ChatGPT are immensely powerful already, despite the technology being in its relative infancy – so just imagine where we’ll be in another five or ten years’ time.
AI is set to weave itself into our lives whether we like it or not. As a content marketer, you’re now faced with a choice: you can either reject the technology and potentially turn your back on all the benefits it has to offer, or you can embrace them. Here are a few top tips to help you do just that.
There will always be opportunities to write engaging, long-form content that you’re proud to put your name against. But there will also always be monotonous, repetitive tasks that you’d happily spend less time on. This is where AI tools start to come into their own.
From writing metadata to amending copy in bulk, tasks that don’t require as much creative input can often be successfully handled by AI, freeing you up to focus on more in-depth tasks.
To get the best results, make sure you feed your chosen AI tool plenty of information. Give it example content if you can, or include tone of voice details and other specifics in your prompt.
We think this is probably the most powerful way to use AI right now from a content perspective because the possibilities really are endless. Tools like ChatGPT can make your content planning process not only easier but more thorough. They’re great at suggesting ideas for blog titles you may not have thought of, proposing new page ideas or advising on your choice of keywords.
Although AI can’t yet be considered a foolproof way to plan your content, it’s another tool that you should have in your arsenal. It can research the competition and pick up on trending topics much more quickly than you could yourself, making your day that much more productive.
Writer’s block is a thing, and it always will be when a human is sitting behind the keyboard. If you’re stuck and aren’t sure which direction to head in next, ask an AI tool for advice. It may just nudge you in the right direction.
If you finish writing a piece of content and feel like there’s something missing, AI can help yet again. From making recommendations on your grammar, spelling and sentence structure to advising on additional sections to include, AI tools can really help you refine your writing and iron out any kinks.
They can help during the conceptual stage of a piece of work, too. Tell your chosen tool what you’re writing about and who the content is aimed at, and it can produce a detailed overview packed with recommendations on what to include.
In essence, you can treat AI kind of like your own personal consultant. If you get stuck and need a second opinion – or simply want to know if you’re on the right track with a piece of content – ChatGPT and other similar tools are a great place to start.
You only get out of AI what you put into it. If your prompt is poorly worded or lacking detail, you probably won’t be too impressed with the response you get. This applies no matter what you’re asking for help with, from blog planning to image creation: the key to success here is learning how to write an effective prompt.
Above all, it’s about being specific. Don’t be afraid to write prompts that are more technical or detailed. Rather than writing vague, generalised prompts, tell the AI tool exactly what you’re looking for, how you want it written and presented and how long it needs to be. The more accurately you’re able to describe what you’re looking for, the more likely you are to get it.
Need a helping hand to take your content marketing output to the next level? Speak to the team at Brave today to find out more about how we could help your business.
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