
How to Use LinkedIn to Market Your Business

Nathan Evans
Content Executive

As a professional in the world of eCommerce, you’ll likely already have a profile on LinkedIn. The business-oriented social media platform is one of the biggest in the world, and many forgo it when considering their social media marketing. However, LinkedIn is important for business.

With over 134m daily active users, there’s a massive audience of potential customers, clients and employees out there browsing the site. This makes LinkedIn an incredibly powerful tool to market your business and network and recruit simultaneously. Plus, the platform has built-in credibility you can use by simply being active on there – people will be more likely to trust you if you post quality content regularly on LinkedIn.

At Brave, we are experts in social media marketing, and we have a few tips on how to crack the LinkedIn code. Here are four ways to market your business through LinkedIn.


1. Optimise Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is a reflection of your professional identity, so it’s crucial that you keep your info up-to-date and accurate.

Creating a LinkedIn business page requires an individual page to be the administrator, so there could be two setups potentially needed. There are four types of business pages for you to choose from: “Small business”, “Medium to large business”, “Showcase page” and “Educational institution”.

For each profile, the key to gaining prominence is using the same SEO techniques as if you optimise your website. Optimising with keywords raises the chances that those interested in your business find you. Remember to make your page look as compelling as possible for when they do find you, through high-quality images, bios and content.


2. Post High-Quality Content

If users see a regular feed of high-quality content, their impression of you and your business will be that of a company that is booming with expertise and driven enough to share it often. Your content should be relevant to your industry, but another key quality that will grow your page is its shareability. Writing or creating content that is informative and engaging will give you a greater chance of people sharing it with their networks. Writing pieces on industry news or insightful videos is of high value on the platform.


3. Create Targeted Ads

LinkedIn ads are a great way to target potential new followers. Sponsored updates that share your business’ recent activities allow you to promote your content to interested users and reel them in much more easily. LinkedIn InMail is an alternative way to directly contact your target audience.


4. Connect with Other Professionals

Creating a solid profile will make it much easier for you to connect with other professionals in your field, which could increase your follower base greatly. This is a process that takes time and effort, but the potential results make it worth it.

Pursuing additional contacts often starts with LinkedIn groups and forums. Joining groups that are relevant to your industry and participating in their conversations that you can hold weight on is an effective way to make yourself known to other like-minded professionals. In many ways, this is the key to online marketing.


Work with an Online Marketing Agency

Brave Agency is the number-one online and social media marketing agency in the Peterborough and Cambridgeshire area. We work with a varied range of clients to enhance their eCommerce online marketing campaigns in terms of impressions, conversions and long-term brand goal completion. Plus, our dedicated content team offers a high-quality content marketing service that will enhance your brand’s long-term reputation. Contact our team today and see what your beauty company can achieve with a quality eCommerce marketing agency behind it.

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